Monday, June 7, 2010

11 from 300 million...easy pickings?

OK, so soccer is not the national sport here in the US, but there are a lot of people who enjoy and are knowledgable about the game on this side of the 'pond'.  To those of you reading this in the UK, don't under estimate the US team this Saturday.  It was back in 1950 that the “miracle on grass” occurred when USA beat England, the US wearing blue and England wearing white …those are their colours again this Saturday...

With a country of 300 million plus people, soccer can afford to be less popular than the UK, as they have 5 times as many people to work with! What do I mean by that? Well to come up with 11 decent players is five times easier for the US than it is for England! In fact it's more than that, as 60 million is the population of the UK, not just England.

Personally I still think that the likely outcome is a draw, and I don't think that would be a bad result for either team, as I expect both to emerge from the group.

Watch this fan made trailer, and you'll see that the US is not a team to be taken lightly...


  1. The sound track is a bit 'Shock & Awe'!

  2. It is isn't it! But pretty well put together for an amateur...
